Frequent questions

Doubts about breastfeeding

Until what age is it advisable to give breast milk to my baby?

Breast milk is the ideal food for babies, it adapts to the needs and requirements of each baby, which is why the World Health Organization and other international health organizations recommend exclusive breastfeeding (without teas, water, juices, broths, food tastes, etc.) during the first 6 months of your baby's life; later it is recommended to supplement with solid foods, continuing with breast milk until at least 2 years of age (or more), this means that there is no limit to the duration of your lactation, this can be until you and your baby decide.

How long should I feed my baby at each feed?

There is no compatibility between breastfeeding and the clock. Breastfeeding should be on demand, without limits or schedules, since in this way you can ensure that your baby takes what he needs at each feeding, and these in turn will vary in duration throughout the day and from the age that your little one is getting, since it will depend on his needs at the moment (sometimes he will be suckling for a long time because he needs to eat more, and other times he will do so for only a few minutes because he is less hungry or to quench his thirst, in addition to that breastfeeding covers other needs such as contact and attachment with mom, feeling her love, closeness and protection.Your milk is all your baby needs!

How do I know that my baby is eating well if I am only breastfeeding?

If you breastfeed your baby on demand, and at the end of his feedings he remains calm and satisfied, while you perceive how he has emptied your breast/s; and at the same time, on a daily basis your little one urinates and defecates properly, you can rest assured that your baby is eating from you properly. This will be reflected in the appropriate weight gain in your routine pediatric check-ups.

How can I have enough breast milk supply for my baby?

To maintain and stimulate your milk production, it is advisable to breastfeed frequently and always achieve a deep emptying, always on demand, without any type of schedule; In the same way, a milk extractor can help you to perform an extra stimulus to your breasts for this stimulation.

However, since many factors can influence milk production, we recommend that you schedule a consultation, where one of our advisors can make a proper diagnosis and give you a personalized treatment for you and your baby according to your particular medical history.

If my baby was diagnosed with CMA (Cow's Milk Protein Allergy), do I have to stop breastfeeding?

When there is a suspicion that a breastfed baby has symptoms of allergy to cow's milk protein (which is not the same as lactose intolerance), it is NOT necessary to stop breast milk, but can be stopped completely milk proteins in the maternal diet.

Once cow's milk proteins are excluded from the maternal diet, the baby's symptoms improve considerably in a variable time, depending on the clinical picture presented. It takes at least a week or two for breast milk to be completely free of these ingested proteins, sometimes a few days before.

If my baby is going through an episode of gastroenteritis, do I have to stop breastfeeding?

Various medical societies, experts and expert consensus consider that breastfeeding should NOT be suspended, since it protects the baby's intestine from inflammation and epithelial damage caused by infections.

Can my baby become lactose intolerant?

All breast milk is rich in lactose, since it is necessary for the optimal development of your baby. There are occasions where, due to some transitory pathologies, such as gastroenteritis, a baby's gastrointestinal system can be irritated and continue with symptoms such as gas or liquid stools, however, breast milk should not be suspended, since it will be tolerated much better. than any breast milk substitute, in addition to providing the nutrients, liquids and defenses for a faster recovery.

On the other hand, there is another type of total lactose intolerance, of genetic origin and extremely rare . This disease, called Galactosemia, is detected a few days after birth, in neonatal screening tests or after severe symptoms and only in these cases is it recommended to stop breastfeeding.

If I stopped breastfeeding for a few weeks and my milk production dropped, is it possible to start breastfeeding again?

It is possible, taking into account that the scope of the treatment depends on various factors that must be evaluated in the consultation, from the baby's willingness to return to suckling at the breast again, the time that has elapsed since the last stimulus on the breasts, as well as clinical history such as the anatomical development of the breast, previous diseases and adherence to the indicated treatment.

However, it is important to keep in mind that breastfeeding does not have to be "all or nothing", just as successful breastfeeding is not defined by the amount of breast milk given to the baby, since each drop brings countless benefits to the baby. a baby, if you want it, it's worth a try!

How can I wean my baby in a respectful way?

One of the ways that you can try initially to respectfully wean your baby is "do not offer, do not deny", in this way your little one can gradually stop breastfeeding without feeling obligated, since he only he will take "when he remembers", without reminding him of the shots he used to take before.

There are several tips that can help you during this process, such as distracting him with activities, new games, trips to the park, etc. If you require it, we have personalized consultations to help you with more appropriate tools for you and your baby, depending on their already established routines and other specific data from their lactation clinical history.

If I get sick, can I take medicine?

If you need to take medication while breastfeeding, you can consult your doctor. The vast majority can be used during this stage. The leaflets by law must be included in all medicines, but they do not always reflect the reality of their compatibility with lactation, since not all drugs pass into milk in significant quantities that affect the health of your baby and in general, practically In the vast majority of circumstances, alternatives can be offered if the chosen drug carries some type of risk.

Do not forget that our lactation consultant can always help you check the compatibility of the medications that your doctor indicates.

If I am pregnant, when is the ideal time for me to take some advice, when my baby is born or before?

Although it is very useful to have your breastfeeding session with your baby present, we highly recommend having a prenatal breastfeeding consultation during the last trimester of your pregnancy, this is very useful to arrive at the expected day as well prepared as possible, in this way In this way, you will be able to clarify all the doubts you have on this subject, find out what is normal and what is not during breastfeeding, and what would be the best decisions to make from the moment your baby is born, so that you start breastfeeding on the right foot and there is the least probability of difficulties... And if there are, you will have direct contact with our expert adviser to help you solve it!

Doubts about our services

How are the consultations we offer?

Our consultations are virtual, through the Google Meet platform, once your purchase is made on our website, a link is sent to you to fill out a file, which must be filled out before your consultation. At the time of your appointment, you link the day and time you chose and in your consultation you will talk with our adviser about all the details of your lactation situation, later a summary with your treatment/recommendations will be sent to you by mail and Leave a WhatsApp number with which you can be in contact to report your progress.

Is there follow-up to my treatment?

Of course, after your first consultation, our adviser will send you a summary by mail with your treatment/recommendations, she will also suggest the date of a next session, as well as its duration (it varies depending on each case). In the same way, it will maintain communication with you via WhatsApp for quick questions or reports on your assigned treatment.

How are the payment methods?

You can make your payment by card, bank transfer, cash deposits or PayPal.

Do we invoice?

Yes, once you have made your payment you can share your tax information with us to make your invoice.